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August 09, 2017 1 min read

Hello Loves! As we roll into mid-summer, we are sure you have noticed the wonderful obsession with "colors".  We are all rushing to find the nearest colorful background or art installation to enhance our digital world.  We want to discover and share this new addiction with our closest friends and followers.

The Color Factory Paul Smith

Gone are they days of having to settle for one color each season.  Today individuals happily migrate to areas that allow them to express themselves freely.  Folks have the freedom to share what color defines them at that moment.  We truly have been so inspired by this season's creative content!

A368 Yellow Yuki A368

This new obsession has obviously translated into a very colorful Summer 2017 fashion scene.  Not only are we searching for unique colorful ideas, but we want to view reality with our expanding personal color palette!  

Sami Sang

We at zeroUV have noticed the huge demand for full color tinted lenses.  Fans, are able to reshape how they perceive reality with a new colorful twist!  Be sure to keep an eye out for new styles being updated in our Pan-Tone Collection. We will be releasing new styles and color options weekly!

Mexiquer Yellow Lens

A555 Blue A967 Red

Photo Credit + Style:

1. Color Factory - San Francisco
2. Paul Smith - Los Angeles
3. Julianna Astrid - Style A368
4. Yuki Bomb - Style A368
5. Samii Ryan - Style 8405
6. Sangyay - Style A871
7. Sofia Reis - Style A871
8. Weare365 - Style 9461
9. Willabelle Ong - Style A555
10. Mariana Ferrer - Style A967

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